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Part 5  Error Correction 1*10 points

Directions: There are ten sentences. Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D. You are required to identify the incorrect part, then write the corresponding letter and the correct answer on the Answer Sheet.

91. That country at one time must be prosperous, for it enjoyed a 

               A       B              C

 high level of civilization.


92. In a way I agree with you, but I think you could present your

     A                        B          C

   argument in a much better way.


93. I regret having left the work unfinished; I should plan everything

             A               B          C

   ahead carefully.


94. The bank is reported in the local newspaper to be robbed in

              A       B                   C

   broad daylight yesterday.


95. What he finished writing the composition in such a short time

    A              B                    C

   surprised us all.


96. Transforming raw materials into useful products are called

       A                  B               C



97. Many a problem concerning the agricultural production have been

    A                                    B         C

   solved this way.                      


98. One of the world’s largest salt mines lie directly under the city Detroit.

                    A            B         C      D

99. George is one of the graduate students who has got a part-time job.

            A                      B  C         D

100. However he tried hard, he still failed in the entrance exam.

             A            B       C            D


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