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Part1 Vocabulary and Structure (40points)

Directionsthere are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentences there are four choices marked ABCand D. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence, and then write the choices in the brackets.

1. John and I        friends for eight years. We first got to know each other at a Christmas party. But we         each other a couple of times before that.

A. had been; have seen    B. have been; have seen    

C. had been; had seen     D. have been; had seen

2. When        the education systems of China and Britain, the professor gave no comment.

A. being asked to compare      B . asked him to compare

C. asking him to compare       D. asked to compare

3.          leaves the room at last ought to turn off the lights.

A. Anyone   B. The person  C. Whoever  D. Who

4.         his dream of going to college will come true is uncertain.

     A. That   B. Whether   C. If   D. Even if

5. “What did the teacher say to you just now?” “She asked me      .”

     A. whether I had finished my work or not

     B. whether or not had I finished my work

     C. if my work had finished or not

     D. if or not I have finished my work

6. The large passenger jets have made the traffic problems at airports,       .

     A. the worse than before  B. worse than ever before 

C. more bad as before     D. more bad than it was

7. You never told us his phone number,         ?

      A. hadn’t you   B. didn’t you  C. had you  D. did you

8. It’s high time        about the traffic problem.

      A. something was done    B. something is done 

C. anything will be done   D. nothing to be done

9. Great      the difficulties are, we must do our best to succeed.

      A. while  B. as  C. although  D. however

10. A man who wants to start a business must have some         .

A. currency  B. income  C. wealth  D. capital

11. He has a        habit of biting his lips when he is puzzled.

      A. particular   B. specific    C. peculiar   D. general

12. The manager claimed that his company had the          right of publication.

      A. single  B. unique  C. lonely   D. sole

13. At the conference he expressed some personal views which brought him into        with the Party leadership.

      A. action   B. crisis   C. conflict   D. power

14. The actual cost of the building was much higher than our original        .

      A. consideration  B.judgement   C. estimate   D. plan

15. There was more than          rain and snow last year, so some parts of the country have been flooded this spring.

      A. extra  B. efficient  C. effective   D. adequate

16. Illness        him till his death but he never gave up his lofty goal in his life.

      A. persisted  B. pursued  C. tracked  D. tolerate

17. The students are encouraged to provide         service to the poor students.

      A. valuable  B. volcano  C. voluntary  D. voyage

18. It was almost dark in the street        a few very powerful spotlights.

      A. excluding  B. except for  C. except   D. but for

19. Although the United States has long been known as a nation of immigrants,         discrimination still exists.

     A. radical  B. racial  C. crucial  D. diplomatic

20. When they had finished playing, the children were made to       all the toys they had taken out.

     A. put off  B. put up   C. put out  D. put away

21. I’m not surprised you failed the exam. You       have worked harder.

     A. should  B. must  C. would  D. ought

22. I hope my teacher will take my recent illness into         when judging my examination.

     A. regard  B. counting  C. account  D. observation

23. If you don’t feel well, please          the doctor .

     A. answer     B. promise  C. teach   D. consult

24. Mary and Jane are twin sisters. They look exactly       .

     A. like  B. same  C. alike  D. same ones

25. There          some mistakes in your composition.

A. have  B. has  C. seems to be  D. seem to be

26. You can stay here         you keep quiet.

A. as long as  B. unless   C. in case    D. in order

27. It was not until she had arrived home        she remembered her appointment with the doctor.

A. when     B. that    C. and    D. where

28. Without the air to hold some of the sun’s heat, the earth would be        on at night.

A. very cold for us to live  B. so cold to us living 

C. too cold for us to live   D. rather cold of us live

29. No one can avoid       by advertisements.

A. influenced  B. influencing  C. to influence  D. being influenced

30. In other words, all mammals,         their sizes are, breathe once for every four heartbeats.

    A. however   B. regardless  C. whatever  D. according

31. The new model costs twice        last year’s.

A. more than  B. as much as  C. as many as  D. than

32. We have still tremendous        to overcome before we achieve our goal.

A. obligations  B. objections  C. obstacles  D. objects

33. People are         to smoke at a gas station.

A. prevented   B. forbidden   C. stopped  D. objected

34. I hope to meet you again        next year.

A. sometimes  B. times       C. sometime  D. some time

35. It wasn’t an accident. He did it on      .

A. reason    B. intention      C. purpose    D. determination

36. Henry’s remarks left me        about his real purpose.

A. wonder  B. wondered     C. to wonder  D. wondering

37. All        is a continuous supply of fuel.

A. what is needed            B. the thing needed 

C. that is needed             D. for their needs

38. Applying for a        in the office of the local newspaper, he was told to see the manager.

A. position  B. career  C. profession  D. location

39. People living in cities        to suffer from stress more than people in the countryside.

A. intend  B. lean  C. tend  D. incline

40. It took him several months to       the wild horse.

A. cultivate  B. breed  C. tend  D. tame

Part Reading Comprehension (40 points)

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or incomplete statements. For each of them there are 4 choices   marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice, and write it in the brackets “  ”.

Passage 1 

Procrastination(犹豫不决) is a disease of the mind. A scientific study in recent years has shown that it is a close relative of sadness and attention disorder; that procrastinators tend to be the result of low self-confidence and are likely to experience anxiety.

    The research has shown, what is more, that the illness has become quite common. Susan Robert, a behavioral psychologist who has written a book called Living With Procrastination, says that about a quarter of the adult population of the United States and Canada report having serious problems with procrastination. “when we say ‘serious’ we mean people for whom procrastination causes great discomfort and suffering. We’ve found that such people are more troubled by daily life than others, that possibility of anxiety is much higher among them than in the rest of the population.”

    In a society driven by achievement, it is little wonder that not being able to work at full steam will bring people sadness. Surely, in the land of opportunity, this anxiety has produced an industry of experts offering solutions. Many books and specialist solutions have appeared. In exchange for $19.95, Dr. Jerome Murray will send out an audio-cassette called “Protect your future from the thief of procrastination.” Dr. Murray promises that if you follow his step-by-step rules you will be empowered to “turn self-defeat into self-realization”. “Since the start of the 1990s, procrastination has been taken more and more seriously,” said Dr. Roberts, who has been treating patients troubled by the condition for more than 20 years. “It is now recognized as a true mental health problem and is being seen more as a psychological problem and less as a moral issue.”

41.  What is the main topic of this passage?

A. Don’t hesitate to give up smoking.

B. Don’t regard depression as not important.

C. Delay can be a sign of illness.

D. Don’t work too hard to stay healthy.

42Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Procrastination is a disease of the mind.

B. Procrastination is likely to cause a great discomfort and suffering.

C. Procrastination is not considered as a psychological problem but a moral issue.

D. Dr. Jerome Murray provides some ways to get rid of procrastination.

43.    How does the author look at procrastination?

A. It is something like running.

B. It is a disease of mind.

C. It is not a permitted act.

D. It is not full of stress.

44.    These are the signs of procrastination except______________.

A. discomfort            C. pleasure

B. suffering              D. sadness

45.   What’s the main idea of Dr. Murray’s cassette “Protect your future from the thief of procrastination”?

A. Turn defeat to self-realization.

B. Turn depression into enthusiasm.

C. Procrastination has been taken more and more seriously.

D. Turn self-defeat into self-realization.

Passage 2   

Parrots are becoming one of the most popular pets in America and for good reason. The parrot is an extraordinary bird that can be taught to talk, can be easily cared for, and can create a lively atmosphere anywhere. With the help of an energetic parrot owner, a parrot can develop an enormous vocabulary. In addition, a parrot can be trained to say “Pretty boy” or “Polly wants a cracker,” and it also can learn to whistle or sing. No matter what an owner decides to teach a bird, training a parrot takes much patience, but the reward is a stream of chatter. Another reason for the parrot’s popularity is that this pet does not require much care. For example, even a spoiled parrot does not need a house-sitter for the purpose of daily walks and daily feeding. In fact, a parrot owner may leave his or her pet with enough food for five days and have no fear that the parrot will overeat. Still another advantage of owning a parrot is its inexpensive food, including seeds, nuts, corn, and grainalong with an apple, banana, or carrot. Perhaps the most likely reason the parrot is becoming such a well-liked pet is that it is a combination of tameness and wildness. Because the parrot can live in almost any environment, it makes a fine, tame companion for many people. In , addition, because it can be easily trained, it is a delightful performer. At the same time, its colorful feathers give it an air of the mystery of the parrot’s native home, the jungle.

Thus, the parrot, once a highly valued gift presented to kings and noble families, is now appreciated by a growing number of people.

46 A parrot can be trained to do all the following but________.


Bhelp its owner


Dcreate a lively atmosphere

47 Which of the following is not a reason for the easy raising of the parrot?

AIt eats very little.

 B Its food is inexpensive

CIt does not need a house-sitter.

DIt does not require daily walks as dogs do.

48The word “tameness” in the passage means ______.

Athe quality of being brave or unafraid

Bthe quality of being kind or warm-hearted

Cthe quality of being uncontrolled or fierce

Dthe quality of being gentle or trained

49. The word “jungle” probably means ______.

Aboundless desert with very little plant life

Blarge apartment building with pleasing surroundings

Cwild land overgrown with thick bushes and trees

Dsnow-covered mountain top in very cold areas

50. The writer ______.

Alikes the parrot

Bdislikes the parrot

Cdoes not like nor dislike the parrot

Dvalues the parrot highly

Passage 3

In my long life I have seen many changes in our habits and customs and conditions in general. I think that you might be interested if I told you some of them.

  The world I entered at the age of eighteen when I became a medical student was a world that knew nothing of such advanced things as planes, films, radios or telephones. It was a very cheap world. Prices were stable. When I entered St. Thomas’ hospital I rent a set of rooms in Vincent square for which I paid 18 shillings a week. My landlady provided me with a very good breakfast before I went to the hospital and a dinner when I came back at half past six. I only had to pay for the breakfasts and dinners twelve shillings a week. For four-pence I lunched at St. Thomas’ on bread and butter and a glass of milk. I was able to live very well, pay my fees, buy my necessary instruments, clothe myself, and have a lot of fun on fourteen pounds a month. And I could always pawn my microscope for three pounds.

   I spent five years at St. Thomas’ hospital. I was a bad student, for my heart, as you might have guessed, was not in it. I wanted, I had always wanted to be a writer, and in the evenings, after my dinner, I wrote and read. Before long, I wrote a novel called “Liza of Lambeth”, which I sent to a publisher and was accepted. It came out during my last year at the hospital and it was successful. It was of course an accident, but I didn’t know that. I felt I could afford to give up medicine and make writing my profession; so, three days after I graduated from the school of medicine, I left for Spain to write another book, I did not realize, at that time, that I was taking a great risk.

51. The text is a talk given by the writer when____.

A. he was 18

B. his first novel was published

C. he graduated from the school of medicine

D. he was at an advanced age

52. The writer graduated from the school of medicine when he was____.

A. 18                 C. 23

B. 28                 D. 30

53. “And I could always pawn my microscope for three pounds” means the writer could always____.

A. exchange his microscope for three pounds

B. borrow his microscope and pays three pounds

C. have his microscope repaired with three pounds

D. lend his microscope for three pounds

54. In the sentence “I was able to live very well, pay my fees, buy my necessary instruments, clothe myself...”, the word “clothe” means____.

A. wear clothes

B. make clothes for

C. wash clothes for

D. buy clothes for

55. The writer wanted to be a writer because____.

A. he liked to take risks

B. he found it easier to make a living by writing

C. he was interesting in writing

D. he could not study medicine well

Passage 4

How often one hears children wishing they were grown up, and old people wishing they were young again. Each age has its pleasures and its pains, and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets.

Youth is a time when there are few tasks to make life difficult. If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved whatever he may do. It is impossible that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return. In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child---things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well-known. But a child has his pains: he is not so free to do what he wishes to do; he is continually being told not to do things, or being punished for what he has done wrong.

When the young man starts to earn his own living, he can no longer expect others to pay for his food, his clothes, and his room, but has to work if he wants to live comfortably. If he spends most of his time playing about in the way that he used to as a child, he will go hungry. And if he breaks the laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may go hungry. And if he breaks the laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may go to prison. If, however, he works hard, keeps out of trouble and has good health, he can have the great happiness of building up for himself his own position in society.

56.          People can experience happiness if they___.

A. always thinks of the past and regret it

B. value the present

C. are no longer young

D. become old and have much experience

57.          When people were young, they used to___.

A. be in charge of many businesses

B. have few things to think about and take on

C. look after their younger sisters and brothers

D. face a lot of difficulties

58The pains of children lie in the fact that___.

A. no one helps them make right decision

B. they are often beaten by their parents

C. they can not be accepted and praised by others

D. they are not allowed to do what they like to do

59Children are usually happy because___.

A. old people lose interest in them

B. they are free to do wrong

C. they are familiar with everything going on around them

D. things are new to them

60Which of the following is NOT needed for a young man to be happy?

A. Hard work

B. Being free from trouble

C. Wealth

D. Health

Part Ⅲ Cloze 20 points

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage and write the corresponding letter in the brackets“  ”.

It was an early morning in summer. In the streets, sleepy-eyed people were moving quickly, heading towards their   61   . This was the beginning of another   62   day in New York City.   63   this day was to be different.

Waiting   64   the crowded streets, on top of a   65   110 stories high, was Philippe Petit. This daring Frenchman was about to   66  a tightrope(绷索)between the two towers of the World Trade Center.

Philippe took his first   67   with great care. The wire held. Now he was   648   he could do it.   69   only a balancing pole, Philippe walked his way across, a   70  of 131 feet.

Soon the rush-hour   71   began to notice. What a   72  ! There, 1350 feet above the street, a   73   figure was walking on air.

Philippe made seven   74  , back and forth (来回). He wasn't satisfied with just   75   . At times, he would turn, sit down, and   76   go on his knees. Once, he had the astonishing   77   to lie down on the thin thread. And thousands of   78   watchers stared with their hearts beating fast.

After the forty-five-minute    79  , Philippe was taken to the police station. He was asked   80  he did it. Philippe shrugged (耸肩) and said, “ When I see two tall buildings, I walk.”

61.A.jobs                            B. homes               C. buses                       D. offices

62.A.working               B. hot                          C. same                        D. ordinary

63.A.And                            B. So                           C. But                          D. Thus

64.A.for                          B. in                              C. by                           D. above

65.A.roof                            B. position                    C. wall                         D. building

66.A.throw                      B. walk                          C. climb                       D. fix

67.A.act                          B. landing               C. step                         D. trip

68.A.sure                            B. uncertain                  C. glad                         D. nervous

69.A.Through               B. Against                    C. With                        D. On

70.A.distance                B. height                      C. space                       D. rope

71.A.streets                  B. crowds                     C. passengers                D. city

72.A.height                  B. pleasure                   C. wonder                    D. danger

73.A.great                    B. strange                     C. public                      D. tiny

74.A.experiments          B. circles                      C. trips                         D. movements

75.A.walking                B. staying                     C. acting                      D. showing

76.A.almost                  B. even                        C. often                        D. rather

77.A.spirit                    B. result                       C. strength                    D. courage

78.A.patient                  B. terrified                   C. pleased                     D. enjoyable

79.A.show                    B. trick                        C. try                           D. program

80.A.how                            B. why                         C. whether                    D. when

Part Word Formation (10 points)

Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements in this part. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word.

81.If your neighbors are too noisy then you have cause for ________.(complain)

82.The government has taken drastic measures to _______ the public transport.(modern)

83.Writers and artists are always _______ of life for their creation.(observe)

84.The manager received twenty ______ for the post.(apply)

85.To everybody’s _______,the actor fell off the stage during the evening performance.(amuse)

86.Noisy traffic _______ our way of life in this village.(threat)

87.She smiled back at the _______ faces of her students.(cheer)

88.It snowed _______ last year but not enough for us to use our snow boards.(occasion)

89.It is not _______ for him to come home at two or there in the morning working as a doctor.(usual)

90.Would you please provide us with a _______ large enough to hold all the water?(contain)

Part   Translation ( 20 points )

Section A

Directions: There are 5 sentences in this section. Please translate them from Chinese into English.











Section B

Directions: There are 5 sentences in this section. Please translate them from English into Chinese.

96.It’s a great pleasure to have a friend coming from afar.


97.The good traditions of the Chinese people are certain to be passed on from generation to generation.


98.Love is like warm sunlight, which will not only bring joy to those who are loved but also add more pleasure to those who love


99.People from all works of life expressed their great respect to our soldiers because they are the loveliest people in the world.


100.     Congratulations on your success in the National College Entrance Examination.


Part Writing(20 points)                

Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic  My Favorite Means of Transportation. You should write no less than 120 words and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese ) below




The Best  Means of Transportation















Part I      1-5 DDCBA        6-10 BDABD       11-15 CDCCD        16-20 DCBBD

          21-25 ACDCD      26-30 ABCDC       31-35 BCBCC        36-40 DCACD

Part II     41-45 CCBCD      46-50 BADCA       51-55 DCADC        56-60 BBDDC

Part III    61-65 ADCDD      66-70 BCACA       71-75 BCDCA        76-80 BDBAB

Part IV    81. complaint       82. modernize        83. observers         84. applications

          85. amusement      86. threatens         87. cheerful          88. occasionally

          89. unusual         90. container

Part V     91. With the development of economy, traveling is becoming more and more popular in China now.

          92. His speech inspired us to work harder than ever before.

          93. Whatever they say/ No matter what they say, do what you think is right.

          94.It is very necessary that a person do exercises every day, if he wishes to be healthy/It is very necessary for a person to do exercises every day, if he wishes to be healthy.

          95. He tried several times, but the experiment ended in failure.


          97. 中华民族的优良传统肯定会一代一代地传下去。


          99. 各行各业的人像战士们表达了崇高的敬意,因为他们是世界上最可爱的人。

         100. 祝贺您今年高考旗开得胜,金榜题名。

Part VI 

The Best Means of Transportation

Nowadyswith rapid development of science and technologyprivate cars are becoming much more popular in our daily life. With the benefits of private carshoweverit also brings some problemssuch as pollutiontraffic jam and so on.

As a matter of factpeople have more chances to choose a transportation. Some maintain that people should ride the bikewhile others insist that people should drive the private car. The former one believe that riding bicycle is superior in many ways. In the first placethey are cheapconvinient and easy to ride. In the second placeriding bicycle is good for health. In the last placethey bring no noise and air pollution. Neverthelessthe latter one emphasize that the private cars are quick and comfortable. Furthermorethey argue that they can go wherever they want if they have private cars. One that accountthey prefer private cars to bicycles.

In view of people’s healthenvironmental protection and energy savingI argue that the best way of transportation is riding bicycles. If everyboby were to do soour city will becoming beautiful and people’s health will be very promising

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