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河南助力专升本官方网站更新时间:2017/6/9 0:00:00阅读:0

81. 我认为你还没有意识到读书的重要性。

82. 北京2008年奥运会对中国的经济产生了很大的影响。

83. 他工作表现出色,最近被提升为部门经理。

84. 我们看电视的目的是为了了解周围所发生的事。

85. 电子邮件使我们能够轻而易举地与远方的朋友保持联系。

86. The activities will provide you with a rare chance to appreciate China’s food culture.

87. Scientists are working on an electronic device, which could make life easier for the people.

88. The washing machine manufactured in our factory is light in weight, small in size and good in quality.

89. Laughter helps you reduce muscle tension, release anger, improve your ability to overcome panic and bring anxiety under control, as well as keep a more positive mind.

90. You must also become familiar with your teachers’ teaching styles; adjusting your learning style to theirs will be to your advantage.

81. I don’t think you have realized the importance of reading.

82. The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games had a great impact on China’s economy.

83. He has been promoted to the position of department manager for his excellent performance.

84. We watch TV to keep up with what is happening in the world around us.

85. We can easily keep in touch with our friends far away by Email.

86. 这些活动将为你提供一个了解中国饮食文化的千载难逢的机会。

87. 科学家们正在研制一种电子装置,它可以使人们的生活更加方便。

88. 我厂生产的洗衣机重量轻、体积小、质量好。

89. 欢笑不仅能使你保持一种更为积极的心态,而且还能帮助你消除肌肉紧张,缓解愤怒情绪,增强克服恐惧及控制焦虑的能力。

90. 你也必须去熟悉老师的教学风格;而且根据这点来调整学习方法将会十分有益。

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