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河南助力专升本官方网站更新时间:2017/6/9 0:00:00阅读:0

71. 随着经济的发展旅游在中国正越来越受到人们的欢迎。

72. 他把自己的失败归罪于他的父母。

73. 这项任务超出了我的能力。

74. 一个勇敢的孩子应该对自己的错误负责。

75. 使我们失望的是, 他没有恪守诺言。

76. 这个漂亮干净的城市给外国游客留下深刻的印象。

77. 他试了好几次,但实验还是以失败而告终。

78. 他一直全身心地扑在工作上。

79. 一切都在我们的控制之下。

80. 我原以为问题已经解决了,但事实并非如此。

81. 贫穷是美国发生饥饿的主要原因。

82. 一天, 苏珊(Susan)在浏览书籍时, 被一个真实的故事吸引住了。

83. 英国人对不同的文化和做事方式不熟悉。

84. 缩小城乡差距的很重要的。

85. 他的演讲激励我们比以往任何时候都更加努力工作。

86. So just let us know your schedule, and we can play together at your convenience.

87. The final examination will cover all that has been taught this term.

88. The farmers here depend heavily on the weather forecast.

89. The biggest difference between human beings and animals lies in the fact that man can learn and use languages.

90. We find it difficult to live in such environment.

91.  The little boy is too young to dress himself.

92. People from all works of life expressed their great respect to our soldiers because they are the loveliest people in the world.

93. Many people fail to do this and wonder why they connot be successful.

94. Some people are in favor of reform, and others have doubts.

95. Nobody can force you to do anything illegal.

96.  Both the pink and blue dresses are pretty but I like the former better.

97. Computers have greatly improved the work efficiency.

98. The teacher informed us of the time of the class.

99. Once you come here, you wont want to leave.

100. Success relies not only on ones ability but also on a willingness to cooperate.

71. With the development of economy, travelling is becoming more and more popular in China.

72. He blamed his failure on his parents.

73. This task is beyond my ability.

74. A brave child should be responsible for his mistakes.

75. To our disappointment, he didnt keep a word.

76. The beautiful and clean city has left a deep impression on the foreign visitors.

77. He tried several times, but the experiment ended in failure.

78. He devoted himself to the work.

79. Everything is under control.

80. I thought the problem had been solved, but that was not the case.

81. Poverty is the main cause of hunger in the United States.

82. One day, Susan was attracted by a true story when she was scanning a book.

83. The English is not familiar with different cultures and different ways of doing things.

84. It is important to narrow the gap between towns and countries.

85. His speeh inspired us to work harder than ever before.

86. 让我们知道你的时间表,这样在你方便的时候我们可以一起玩。

87. 期末考试会涉及这学期所教的全部内容。

88. 这里的农民十分依赖天气预报。

89. 人和动物最大的不同在于人可以学习并使用语言。

90. 我们发现生活在这样的环境里很困难。

91. 这个小男孩太小了,以至于不能自己穿衣服。

92. 各行各业的人们向我们的战士表达了他们的极大的尊重,因为他们是世界上最可爱的人。

93. 很多人做这件事都失败了,并且想知道他们为什么没有成功。

94. 一些人支持改革,其他人仍有疑惑。

95. 没有人可以强迫你做违法的事情。

96. 粉色和蓝色的裙子都很好看,但是我更喜欢粉色的。

97. 电脑已经极大地提高了人们的工作效率。

98. 老师通知了我们上课时间。

99. 一旦你来这,你就不会再想离开。

100. 成功不仅取决于个人的能力,也取决于合作的意愿。


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