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河南助力专升本官方网站更新时间:2017/5/29 0:00:00阅读:0

It was the end of my first day as waitress in a busy New York restaurant. My cap had gone away, and my feet ___1_____. The loaded plates I carried ____2____ to be heavier and heavier. Tired and discouraged, I didn’t seem able to do anything ____3___. As I made out a check for a family with several children who had changed their icecream ____4____ a dozen times, I was ready to stop. Then the father ____5___ at me as he handed me my tip. “Well done,” he said, “you’ve ___6___ us really well.” Suddenly my tiredness ____7____. I smiled back, and later, when the manager asked me how I’d like my first day, I said, “___8_____!” Those few words of praise had ___9_____ everything. Praise is like ___10____ to the human spirit; we cannot flower and grow without it. And ___11_____, while most of us are only too ____12____ to apply(应用)to others the cold wind of critisim, we are ____13____ unwilling to give our fellows the warm sunshine of praise. Why----when one word of praise can bring such ____14____?
It’s strange how chary(吝啬)we are about praising. Perhaps it’s ___15____ few of us know how to accept it. It’s ___16____ rewarding to give praise in areas in which ____17____ generally goes unnoticed or unmentioned. An artist gets complimented(admired) for a glorious picture, a cook for a ___18____meal. But do you ever tell your laundry manager how pleased you are when the shirts are ___19_____ just right? In fact, to give praise ____20_____ the give nothing but a moment’s thought and a moment’s effort.

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